Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Anne Frank

Anne Frank's Family Life
I think that the Anne Family have different personalities. I think that because When Anne talks about her life and her family you can tell that they different and there life style is unique but there life action for them is really awful. Anne is really innocent and really smart and fully thoughtful. Her sister is really prettier than her even Anne said that her self but is really so important is being smart. Anne Dad is really brave and protective I say that because Anne said that she thinks her father gives her more attention and I know so many people who rely on you and they care about you and other kids or adults may be similar to that but he is a good parents to his kids and to add on to that you can tell that Anne has a good father who loves and take care of her Anne is a good example for kids who has the same personality like her and thoughtful thoughts. I can compare me to her because I am so innocent and really love to wear clothes and shoes love to have fun go to parties but when it's time to get serious I'm always in there and I'm going to take something positive out of it. Like for example when I went to a place where we had to take a specialize high school test and I was so confident I used all teachers strategies at the end I had my results saying that I pass. I knew I did great and never give up my abilites.



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