Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Skinny Questions:
1.Did barack obama dad die and why?
2 How old is Barack Obama
3.How many family member do he have?

Fat Questions:
1.Why obama wanted to become president ?
2.Why do you think voters choose obama for what he are
3.Do you think Barack Obama would become a good presisdent if he does become and how?

"Everywhere you look there is economic news. Over 31,000 jobs have been lost, 100,000 foreclosures, and the unemployment rate has doubled in the past year," he said. "Michigan has faced this for far too long. And as President, I will fight for you, that is why I am running."how will I rememeber this information.


Title:This Land is my Land this your Land
This information in the box about ''A Day in the life [of me]! help me as a reader because I understand how she goes threw from all her procedures and also you can absorb that she is very strong and smart also organize because at 7:30 she sew patches on clothes ,read,write indoor craft projects.From 6 :30-7:00 stretches,do strengthening exercises,and go outside to greet the day.''So this land is her land'' this can be our land if we were there.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Declare Yourself

Declare Yourself
So far Ms.Johns I just want to say that this is the best book I have read to myself this year and I hope that ,this would always happen threw out the year.Anyways this book is about diffirent kind of celebritys who declare their selfs in diffirent kind of ways and they expresses there thoughts why people vote and why voting can make a whole lot of diffirence to one anthor. To me voting is very important because is like your making a decision that's helping you and your surroundings or from something you dont want to stick with to something worst .people that I'm reading about made right decisions so far in this book because they know that what happen to them long time ago or surroundings effect their up coming futures. These people life has been the same way and they want it to continue the same way but they might vote for other people that need the life or money or education as they did.Or people who need a better life or education and enough money to take care of there families and very responsible and really care about global warming .These are the people the presidents are helping in the United States of America so if you got the guts and stand by your country you would make a whole lot diffirence because we are all the same we all have the same rights man and women share same jobs ,money ,education are the most important for our country that politics/senetors like Barack Obama mostly talks about you vote ,our future will be more then better. Issues like educated kids people having jobs and getting paid alot wages and paying rent income taxes hopefully hope is what we need.''change is coming''.Is on our way so stop voting adults be perseverance and stay right like our celebrity says.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Reader's Response 1

Title- Declare Yourself

I think that this book is going to be about famous people like for example Nick Cannon he is very famous and ''Declare Yourself ''can be about how he sucess his life by being a citizen to America and how he does and or improve his lif efor mostly doing anything.To Declare yourself is to talk about yourself and about your life action.
